If you’re looking for a heartwarming and inspiring read, look no further than this book about twin girls born in 1941 to a widowed mother. From their birth through junior high school, the book follows the girls as they encounter the challenges and triumphs of everyday life.
One of the most significant challenges the girls face is when a close friend and her mother are beaten by her father and severely injured. The perpetrator is captured and sent to prison, but the book covers the recoveries and trials as the girls and their community deal with the aftermath. Throughout it all, the girls’ personal relationship with God serves as the glue that binds them to their faith.
As they navigate their way through childhood and adolescence, the twins and their peers are taught how to deal with life on a daily basis through a self-help group formed by parents and teachers. The group covers everything from alcohol and drugs to feelings and emotions. The spirits in alcohol are considered evil, and the twins learn about the tragedies and traumas that can be unleashed by these evil spirits when released.
Despite the challenges they face, the twins rise above and conquer the terrifying evil spirits that threaten to consume them. Through their unwavering faith and the love and support of their community, they prevail over the darkest moments in their lives.
This book is a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of faith and community in overcoming life’s obstacles. It’s a must-read for anyone looking for a story of hope and inspiration.
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